Storicamente. Laboratorio di storia
precisione e accuratezza della tecnologia militare

Questo tema è affrontato da Bush nel discorso in cui annuncia la fine della guerra in Iraq sulla portaerei Abraham Lincolin il 1 maggio 2003:

In defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, Allied forces destroyed entire cities, while enemy leaders who started the conflict were safe until the final days. Military power was used to end a regime by breaking a nation. Today, we have the greater power to free a nation by breaking a dangerous and aggressive regime. With new tactics and precision weapons, we can achieve military objectives without directing violence against civilians. No device of man can remove the tragedy from war; yet it is a great moral advance when the guilty have far more to fear from war than the innocent .

Da notare ancora una volta l'utilizzo retorico di un parallelo storico tra il nazismo e i nuovi nemici degli Stati Uniti.